A: The dictionary definition of a retreat is a quiet or secluded place in which one can rest and relax, or a period of seclusion for the purposes of prayer and meditation. Here at Journeywork Retreats, we purposefully design retreats that allow your clients to experience a balance of three important elements:
A: Workshops and seminars are normally one-off events and shorter in duration. While conferences and retreats can both last several days, the principle difference is the emphasis in a retreat of balancing instruction time with down time and the chance to engage with the destination. These elements aren’t as common in conferences.
A: Retreats by definition allow your clients to get away from their everyday distractions. This allows them to be receptive to deeper, more lasting change and transformation. Additionally, participating in a retreat allows them to bond with others who are traveling a similar path of personal growth or healing. Finally, a retreat allows your participants to enjoyment the relaxation and rejuvenation that comes from an extended stay in a beautiful location.
A: When you offer retreats it sets you apart from the competition and increases your credibility with prospective and current clients. Also, when planned wisely, your retreat itself will generate profit and often open the door to your clients engaging you in higher-ticket group or individual coaching packages.
A: Easy! Watch our Retreats 101 video to learn more, or take our Retreat Ready Assessment.
A: There are many factors beneficial for you and your business to have in place to ensure that you’ll be able to plan, fill and monetize your first retreat. Not sure if you have these? Take our Retreat Ready Assessment!
A: Journeywork Retreats recommends a minimum of 9 months from inception to implementation for a domestic retreat and 12 months for an international retreat. This allows you time to plan, advertise and fill your retreat as well as develop your teaching content.
A: Watch our video Retreats 101 to learn the basics about retreats, how they can help you grow your business, and Journeywork Retreat's unique approach to retreat planning.